How Should Domestic Valve Products Transform In The Next Few Years?


The transformation of the valve industry should start from the following points:

1. Market trend of cast steel valve products: With the transfer of oil development to inland oil fields and offshore oil fields, and the development of the power industry from thermal power below 300,000 kilowatts to thermal power above 300,000 kilowatts, hydropower and nuclear power, valve products should also change their performance and parameters accordingly according to changes in equipment application areas.

2. Urban construction systems generally use a large number of low-pressure valves, and develop towards environmentally friendly and energy-saving types, that is, the low-pressure iron gate valves used in the past are gradually turning to environmentally friendly rubber plate valves, balancing valves, metal-sealed butterfly valves and center-line sealed butterfly valves. Oil and gas transmission projects are developing towards pipelines, which in turn requires a large number of flat gate valves and ball valves.

3. The other side of energy development is energy conservation. Therefore, from the perspective of energy conservation, it is necessary to develop steam traps and develop them towards subcritical and supercritical high parameters.

4. The construction of power stations is developing towards large-scale, so large-diameter and high-pressure safety valves and pressure reducing valves are required, as well as fast opening and closing valves.

5. To meet the needs of complete sets of projects, valve supply has developed from a single variety to multiple varieties and specifications. The trend of all valves required for a project being provided by one valve manufacturer is increasing.

The production and manufacturing of valve equipment has a very broad prospect in both the short and long term. Especially driven by the four major factors of urban construction, industrial development, technological innovation and globalization, my country's future valve industry will develop towards a more international, high-end and modern development, which is also the development direction of my country's domestic valve industry. Domestic valve equipment manufacturers are also constantly pursuing innovation, entering new markets, and seeking survival and development in the increasingly competitive pump and valve industry.